Profoundly taken and designed if I say so myself. If you can imagine this on the front cover of a book called "Born To Shop" and if it is yours or someone else. I am happy to obliged any requests you might have regarding using my masterpiece as your book cover.
Unless I can start a new career. Since, I am the Born to Shop Individual here, I can make it as a guide/story on shopping. If anyone would like to sponsor my trip across the globe, or just New York, or London, or Paris, I am happy to take the offer. I will share the profit of the book I soon to be selling, with you, the lucky individual who will sponsor my shopping spree!
Please note that this Concept and Book* is not to be published by anyone or rather any publishing company trying to make some MORE money unless it is for charity, but everything must go through me first, because you might not know about my very damn good Lawyer! ;)
*and some special interest for you if this has been copyright.
I am a hobbyist writer, only writes when she feels like it, when she has her mood letting her on. But I always wanted to write a novel/book. I've written some excerpts in my younger days, and I am active in independent thoughts, saying what happens in the world with blunt truth and precision. Kinda.
Not to lead you on, but I have a great level of Professionalism. I aim and target for the best, if its not, then I make it-;THE BEST. I may sound boastful, but at least I am honest with you.
Since everyone has like New York 1st Best Selling Book, I shall start there. And here it is my inspiration. You, my sponsor who will pay everything for my aventure in the Shopping Haven across the globe, and if its not across the globe, then just pick one country and I shall name it, Born To Shop. Land in Paris. or Born To Shop. NY. or Born To Shop. S.E.A. or Britain Shopping Spree.
You see, this idea can expand itself. Through me, If you are the big corporate publishing companies looking to earn more giant incomes. How about this, gimme a contact and we can talk business. Profit that gain both of us and the world. Since I am into charity and want to share the little good things both of us have in everyday life with everyone who hasn't even gotten to know about how nice the taste of chocolate is.
I am very sure that if you can drop a whole crate of chocolate in a giant field in africa, they are sooo going to be happy. Why? Its endorphin what else. its a kick to make them be happy and just look at all good things in life. And after that maybe they are too happy to do bad stuff, what stuff? well the HIV stuff. And how about that, start to build schools and open a factory and let all men work in there, so that they don't have any spare time, to plan any schemes to stalk or prey young ladies in their land.
I am always popping to another subject less than a second,sjeeesh. I even noticed that myself from yesterday when I was writing this email to a NZ Artist. Its such a surprise to meet her. She was buying a lot of canvas and I strike a conversation with her and found out she was the artist that listed on Trademe that I like. So Cool!!!!! Really!!! You have no idea how great it felt to meet somebody you never talk to , but admire their works online. And there the person is just in front of you and talking to you.
Back to topic, Just leave a comment or send me an email.
Hope to get some contacts in relevance to my new unpublished book. ;) Time and Faith will tell.
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